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1. im april 2005 zweimal die radiosendung "rocket science" auf radio bbc 6 moderiert.
2. filmmusik zu "harry potter and the goblet of fire", zitat cocker:

"I was asked to write songs for the film, and a friend I did a Pulp song with a few years ago is arranging the orchestral score. "As I’m doing the music, I’m in a scene singing for a band called the Weird Sisters. There’s six of us – me, three other blokes from Relaxed Muscle and Johnny and Phil from Radiohead."

"In some ways, it’s easier writing for a film, as there’s a structure already there for me. "But I’m conscious that the songs have to appeal to a wide audience, I can’t just write for myself. I’ve done three songs – two are wild, one’s a riot." He added, "The books are all right. I read them to my stepson. I’ll be cooler to him now that I’m doing this."
werft meinte am 29. Apr, 17:17:
Und außerdem hat er vor ein paar Wochen gemeint, dass es nicht völlig unwahrscheinlich ist, dass Pulp sich bald mal wieder zusammenfinden. 
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